Recent comments

Reply to: LibRaw 0.21 supported cameras   1 month 3 weeks ago

When are you adding "Sony IMX490 imaging sensor (Bayer sensor, with a resolution of 2880 × 1856)" to the list. I need help with conversion of .raw file from this camera to 16-bit Tiff

Reply to: 14-bit highres raw images made by OMDS OM1-ii   2 months 1 day ago

It would be wonderful when libraw would also support this new RAW-format

It will in some future public update.

Reply to: Sony A7R5 file RAW decoding   2 months 3 weeks ago

You can start with our free preview extractor:

Reply to: Sony A7R5 file RAW decoding   2 months 3 weeks ago

Forgive me for my ignorance, but can this snapshot be used in Windows to preview RAW files in the folder? How then?

Reply to: Sony A7R5 file RAW decoding   2 months 3 weeks ago

ILCE-7RM5 (A7-R5) support is provided by the latest snapshot:

Reply to: Generic white-balance and color correction when dcraw_process()   2 months 3 weeks ago

auto balance is based on the idea of a "average gray" world, which is not true for global colored scenes.
If you take a photo of a green grass, then the result of automatic white balance will not satisfy you too.

Reply to: Generic white-balance and color correction when dcraw_process()   2 months 3 weeks ago

Than you so much for the quick response.

I didn't know FastRawViewer has it's own processing. That's interesting...

I too was able to achieve that image, but only after i manually switched the wb method.

Anyway, since i cant invest in a whole new post-processing infra at the moment, and considering your comment:

"I do not think that auto-balance is well suited for such images with overall warm tint."

can you suggest a good way to detect said warm tints, so as to switch from auto to camera wb automatically, or is this something only human eye can detect and decern?

Reply to: Generic white-balance and color correction when dcraw_process()   2 months 3 weeks ago

Also: here is your file processed with dcraw_emu -w -T :

I do not think that auto-balance is well suited for such images with overall warm tint.

Reply to: Generic white-balance and color correction when dcraw_process()   2 months 3 weeks ago

FastRawViewer uses own postprocessing, not LibRaw's

Reply to: Getting 'unresolved external symbol' errors   2 months 3 weeks ago

Hello Alex,

sometimes I can't see the wood for the trees - sorry for the obvious mistake on my side :)

Many thanks for pointing it out,

Reply to: Getting 'unresolved external symbol' errors   2 months 3 weeks ago

You need to add LibRaw source files added in last public snapshot to your build.

(src/decoders/sonycc.cpp and src/decoders/pana8.cpp)

Reply to: Adobe DNG Gainmap support or extraction   3 months 1 week ago

DNG SDK Applies ProfileGainTableMap in dng_renderer (RAW to RGB conversion), not in stage3 opcodes.

Reply to: Adobe DNG Gainmap support or extraction   3 months 1 week ago

Separate user here. To clarify, if I’m interested in having the ProfileGainTableMap processed (so images don’t come out underexposed), would building with the DNG SDK and setting these flags accomplish this? I’m currently trying (and failing) to get a build for this, so it’d be helpful to know before I spend more time getting it to build.

Reply to: Canon CR3 dual pixel image extraction   3 months 1 week ago

To extract unprocessed data use unprocessed_raw sample

Reply to: Canon CR3 dual pixel image extraction   3 months 1 week ago

I tried to extract the full image and the left image from an dual pixel cr3 RAW file. I have used dcraw_emu.exe -r 1 1 1 1 -M -o 0 -4 -T -s 0 "example.cr3". With changing the -s from 0 to 1 i get the second image. But the imagesis already debayered. Is it possible to get the non debayered images?

Reply to: Canon CR3 dual pixel image extraction   3 months 2 weeks ago

What exactly are you doing and how and what are you failing at?

Reply to: Identify() function working   3 months 3 weeks ago

ARW files are really TIFF(like)-containers, so all ARW-specific code is specific tag values parsing/assignment to internal data structures.
The main analysis is common to all tiffs.

Reply to: Canon R6 mark II CR3s converted to FITS incorrectly   4 months 9 hours ago

Please check with Adobe DNG Converter and select files that processed OK by this program, but damaged in LibRaw.

Reply to: Canon R6 mark II CR3s converted to FITS incorrectly   4 months 9 hours ago

>> 1st: R6 Mark II is not supported yet
I know and I mentioned in my original post

I do not doubt that libraw will support R6 Mark II sooner or later that is why I am ready to provide sample files and take part in testing if needed.

>> 2nd: your 2298 file is damaged
Probably it is and there are many other files from my R6m2 damanged in same way.
I mention "probably" because it looks strange:
* other software (DXO PureRaw, Adobe Photoshop, FastStone Image Viewer) works with this file fine
* I took and processed thousands of images from this camera already and I got no issues until I tried to take astro images and load in into Siril
* I have many more samples of random files from the camera that are "damaged" (and could be processed fine with other software).

So, let me know if you need file samples.

Reply to: Canon R6 mark II CR3s converted to FITS incorrectly   4 months 15 hours ago

1st: R6 Mark II is not supported yet

2nd: your 2298 file is damaged. Adobe DNG Converter also agrees with this:

Reply to: Using LibRaw with Adobe Camera Raw (photoshop plugin)   4 months 4 days ago

you can try to use FastRawViewer and see what per-channels multipliers "they" suggest ( that is assuming EasyHDR uses the same approach as FRV), then you can adjust as shot WB tag in DNG using exiftool or so and feed it to ACR/LR and use as shot WB there ... ___BUT___ the same colors of course is a different story because the whole color transform is more than just the WB ...

Reply to: Using LibRaw with Adobe Camera Raw (photoshop plugin)   4 months 6 days ago

Sorry, we're not responsible for Adobe apps. Please direct your request to Adobe's support

Reply to: Getting error while building Libraw in Qt in windows environment   4 months 1 week ago

yes, you probably need to add ws2_32 to your linker input.

Reply to: DNG with jpeg-xl compresseion   4 months 2 weeks ago

There is no reason to integrate w/ libjxl, because Adobe DNG SDK is already integrated (it is free and BSD-licensed, there are no reasons against using it).

Also, libjxl integration is not enough, such DNG files may need full opcode processing not only Stage1 (provided by LibRaw).

Reply to: Error while building libraw in QT   4 months 2 weeks ago

Try to remove
(Visual Studio specific flag)
from buildfiles/
