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Reply to: Canon CR3 file - returning wrong image size?   1 year 3 months ago

Here's a link to a folder with some sample files.

Note the first 3 files are basically black, last 2 are 'real' photos.

The Camera is just a Canon R with a modified infra-red cut filter, apart from the name change, the files should look exactly like Canon R files

Reply to: Canon CR3 file - returning wrong image size?   1 year 3 months ago

We do not have sample files from EOS Ra camera (so this camera not listed as 'supported'), could you please provide several ones?

Reply to: Canon CR3 file - returning wrong image size?   1 year 3 months ago

OK I can fix it like that but surely it should return the "visible" sensor area?

It is cropping off the left / top sensor margin correctly, why return the invalid data from the right/bottom margin?

Reply to: Canon CR3 file - returning wrong image size?   1 year 3 months ago

LibRaw tries to extract as much image as possible, so 'match with other apps' is not default.

If one prefers vendor crop(s), please take look at (v 0.21):
1) imgdata.sizes.raw_inset_crops
2) And LibRaw::adjust_to_raw_inset_crop(..) call

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

Good to know, thanks.

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

dcraw_emu records tiff/ppm without problems.

unprocessed_raw sample code (not the library itself, but sample!) supports bayer only.

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

Thanks, so unpacking works, it's writing out to TIFF/PPM that doesn't.

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

Followup: I do not see any decoding problems with this file:

(as expected: we have several samples from latest Samsungs and no known problems w/ raw decoding)

Checked with dcraw_emu [filename]

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

Also: the message you quoted is from unprocessed_raw sample code. This sample, yes, supports bayer only (we're open to patches if someone want to complete this sample)

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

Could you please provide specific file link, not entire archive?

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

See for samples. LibRaw stops w/

"Only Bayer-pattern RAW files supported, sorry...."

Recent Samsung DNGs are not CFA, but "enhanced" 3-channel LinerRaw (like recent Apple iPhone ProRAW), and w/ ljpeg compression using restart markers...

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

The discussion will only make sense if specific problematic files are included.

At the moment, we do not have a single example of a file from Samsung on which RAW data would not be unpacked by LibRaw.

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

Recent Samsung models started putting out the "less" normal DNGs - the ljpeg compression is not a single stream, but has restart markers, don't know if LibRaw supports that...

Reply to: Samsung S23 Ultra support   1 year 3 months ago

AFAIK, Samsung phones records more-or-less (*) normal DNG, so already supported

(*) some DNG files from latest Samsung devices contains incorrect thumnail data (while RAW data is OK)

Reply to: Samsung SRW   1 year 3 months ago

This file looks damaged: it contents does not pass bounds checks in samsung3_load_raw; disabling this checks not results into correct image.

All other samples from Samsung NX500 camera we have are processed OK.

Reply to: File signature   1 year 3 months ago

Use open_file() or open_buffer() and check the return code.

Reply to: LibRaw and opencv   1 year 3 months ago


Reply to: LibRaw and opencv   1 year 3 months ago

LibRaw is dual-licensed (LGPL 2.1 and CDDL-1), I do not see any problems from our side to use LibRaw under the terms of one of these licenses.

Reply to: LibRaw 0.21 supported cameras   1 year 4 months ago

Please ask (topaz?) denoiser questions to vendor support, not to LibRaw

Reply to: LibRaw 0.21 supported cameras   1 year 4 months ago

Votre débruiteur pends t'il ma caméra 360 en charge (Theta Z1) ?

Reply to: LibRaw 0.21 supported cameras   1 year 4 months ago

No plans for that, sorry

Reply to: LibRaw 0.21 supported cameras   1 year 4 months ago

Very kind, but the result of my request to Microsoft was ' if LibRaw implements this support (FITS files) then automatically in subsequent implementations (automatic update) they (FITS files) would be recognized'
that's why I turned to you.

Reply to: LibRaw 0.21 supported cameras   1 year 4 months ago

Microsoft may not be responsible for this library, but they are responsible for their extension realization. The same way that "realization of this package was made possible thanks to ...", you can ask them to also add the cfitsio (or whatever other existing FITS library they might choose) to their extension to make that realization more capable, or ask them to create a new extension.

Reply to: LibRaw 0.21 supported cameras   1 year 4 months ago

LibRaw library is targeted for developers, not for end-users.

Any questions related to MS' explorer extension should be asked to MS, we're not responsible for this product and not able to change anything in it. In this case Microsoft is one of our users (developer who use LibRaw).

If your problem is related to LibRaw library itself (you're software developer who uses LibRaw) we'll try to help.

Reply to: LibRaw 0.21 supported cameras   1 year 4 months ago

sorry I don't want to question further, but there it says just the opposite: that Microsoft is not responsible for the good or bad functioning of a library (only integrated) and that you must refer to the LibRaw if by chance I had I encountered problems interpreting Sony RAWs, for example, would I have done wrong to contact you here?
