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Settings for D3 to use with UniWB

Click on the thumbnails for Steps 1 through 3 to see the screen captures of the menues at 100% in a separate window.

Step 1 Connect the camera and open Nikon Camera Control Pro 2 application. Navigate to "Image Processing" tab. Press "Edit" button.

Step 2 Uncheck Auto. Set Sharpening, Saturation, and Hue sliders to "0". Check "Use Custom Curve". Press "Edit" button.

Step 3 Make sure the curve is linear, that is the vertical and horizontal ranges are set to 0..255, gamma slider is set to 1. Do a "Save" if you wish (it will save this simple linear curve to the disk) and press "OK" button to return to the menu shown as Step 2.

Step 4 (optional) Press "Save as a new Custom Picture Control" button.

Step 5 Press "OK" button to exit menu of the Step 2. You will be taken back to the main screen of the Camera Control Pro 2.

That's it, you should be done by now.
