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Image data does not match

I'm trying to code a very simple raw developing tool. First I want to read and understand the data libraw provides.

But the data I get does not represent the colors in PhotoShop by any means. They are not off by a some digits, they seem to be completely different. The data I get is in the xls and the coresponding first 10x10 pixels from Photoshop. Unfortuantely the cr2 is too big to upload.

What am I missing here or where is the "useable" image data stored?

Thanks and regards from Germany

Here's a my code so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "libraw.h"
int main()
    LibRaw Proc;
    std::fstream myfile;
    // Define the parameters for libraw
    Proc.imgdata.params.shot_select         = 0;        // Select first RAW, in case there are more
    Proc.imgdata.params.use_auto_wb         = 0;        // Auto white-Balance
    Proc.imgdata.params.use_camera_wb       = 1;        // Use camera WB instead
    Proc.imgdata.params.output_color        = 1;        // [0-6] Output colorspace (0=raw, 1=sRGB, 2=Adobe, 3=Wide, 4=ProPhoto, 5=XYZ, 6=ACES)
    Proc.imgdata.params.user_qual           = 3;        // [0-10] Interpolation quality (linear, VNG, PPG, AHD, DCB, DHT, mod. AHD)
    Proc.imgdata.params.no_auto_bright      = 1;        // No automatic brightnes
    Proc.imgdata.params.output_bps          = 16;       // Output bits
    Proc.imgdata.params.adjust_maximum_thr  = 0.75;     // 
    Proc.imgdata.params.aber[0]             = 1.0;      // Chromatic Abberation Red
    Proc.imgdata.params.aber[2]             = 1.0;      // Chromatic Abberation Blue
    Proc.imgdata.params.bright              = 1.0;      // Default
    Proc.imgdata.params.four_color_rgb      = 1;        // Switches on separate interpolations for two green components.
    Proc.imgdata.params.highlight           = 1;        // [0-9] Highlight mode (0=clip, 1=unclip, 2=blend, 3+=rebuild)
    // Set Gamma
    switch (Proc.imgdata.params.output_color)
        case 1:     //sRGB
            Proc.imgdata.params.gamm[0] = 1 / 2.4;
            Proc.imgdata.params.gamm[1] = 12.92;
        case 4:     // ProPhoto
            Proc.imgdata.params.gamm[0] = 1 / 1.8;
            Proc.imgdata.params.gamm[1] = 0.0;
            Proc.imgdata.params.gamm[0] = 1 / 1.0;
            Proc.imgdata.params.gamm[1] = 1.0;
    libraw_processed_image_t* image = Proc.dcraw_make_mem_image();
    int rgb_pos = 0;"C:\\test.csv");
    myfile << ",,,Proc.imgdata.image[pos][],,,,image->data[rgb_pos++],,\n";
    myfile << "ID,Row,Col,[R],[G],[B],[G2],[COLOR(r;c)],IMAGE[R],IMAGE[G],IMAGE[B],Raw_image[ID]\n";
    for (int r = 0; r < 10 /*Proc.imgdata.sizes.height*/; r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < 10 /*Proc.imgdata.sizes.width*/; c++)
            unsigned pos = r * Proc.imgdata.sizes.width + c;
            myfile << pos << "," << r << "," << c << "," << Proc.imgdata.image[pos][0] <<
                "," << Proc.imgdata.image[pos][1] <<
                "," << Proc.imgdata.image[pos][2] <<
                "," << Proc.imgdata.image[pos][3] <<
                "," << Proc.COLOR(r, c) <<
                "," << (int) image->data[rgb_pos++] <<
                "," << (int) image->data[rgb_pos++] <<
                "," << (int) image->data[rgb_pos++] <<
                "," << (int) Proc.imgdata.rawdata.raw_image[pos] << "\n";
    std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Office spreadsheet icon Data from my code43 KB
