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Thanks for your fast reply.

Thanks for your fast reply.

I've found what I'm doing wrong. I always assume that resulting image is 3-channel when copying it into my internal RGB buffer for further processing, but this one is obviously 1-channel. Very stupid and obvious error, and I've found it in half of an hour after submitting my first post. Now I check value of rawImage->colors and for 1-channel images I copy value of first channel into the other two. I'll do some performance tests, maybe your solution with setting proper color space will be faster.

Interesting that digiKam gives similar triple-image result when processing my file. digiKam uses LibRaw for the processing of DNG files, and it's behaviour led my thoughts wrong way. Possibly I should report an issue into digiKam bugtracker.

Anyway, thanks again! The problem is solved. Should I somehow close this forum thread?