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I couldn't locate the exact

I couldn't locate the exact version I'm using in github (I'm using version 18.8) The code in question reads as follows:

    // Move saved bitmap to imgdata.image
    if( imgdata.idata.filters || P1.colors == 1)
        if (IO.fuji_width) {
          unsigned r,c;
          int row,col;
          for (row=0; row < S.raw_height-S.top_margin*2; row++) {
            for (col=0; col < IO.fuji_width << !libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.fuji_layout; col++) {
              if (libraw_internal_data.unpacker_data.fuji_layout) {
                r = IO.fuji_width - 1 - col + (row >> 1);
                c = col + ((row+1) >> 1);
              } else {
                r = IO.fuji_width - 1 + row - (col >> 1);
                c = row + ((col+1) >> 1);
              if (r < S.height && c < S.width)
                  = imgdata.rawdata.raw_image[(row+S.top_margin)*S.raw_pitch/2+(col+S.left_margin)];

David Partridge