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Problem opening IIQ files


I have been using libRaw 0.15.4 (Windows 32bit) in my application since 4 years. Recently, we received some CR2, NEF and IIQ files that libRaw 0.15.4 was not able to process correctly (strange colors rendering or errors on opening). I decided to upgrade to a recent version of libRaw, so I tried libRaw 0.18.15 and 0.18.16 and it seems that most problems have gone away except some IIQ files that cannot be opened (while libRaw 0.15.4 worked well on these files).

I try to open these files with this simple code :

LibRaw rawProcessor;
in result;

result = rawProcessor.open_file(path_to_myfile);
if (result != LIBRAW_SUCCESS) {
// display error and stop
fprintf(stderr, "%s", libraw_strerror(result));
fprintf(stderr, "%s", strerror(result));
else {
// continue...

open_file returns the error code 1.
libraw_strerror says "Unknown error code"
strerror says "Operation not permitted"

I don't know what I am doing wrong. I can send one these file but I don't know how to do since they are mucj bigger than 1MB (around 80MB).
I would like to point out the error does not happen on all IIQ files. I have one much bigger (140 MB) that works well.

Thanks for your help.
