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Thanks, I will have a look,

Thanks, I will have a look, this could solve my problem for now. Nonetheless it would be ideal to have this information from within Libraw. In the context of astrophotography, DSLRs get modified sometimes with an inconvenient external display linked to another inner temperature sensor (with extra cost) whereas this information could easily be displayed for monitoring temperature evolution of the electronics by using the existing sensor that throws this information in the raw file or exif data. This would make the management of dark files much sensible and easier. Indeed, sometimes we take a shot at the same temperature as some other night, for which we already have a dark file, or, knowing the two different temperature of two different dark files, we can interpolate a new dark file at the missing temperature, or we just want to characterise the temperature dependance of the noise. It's just a suggestion, but it would be a very nice feature for a future update, it will spare the trouble of adding yet another library to get this extra bit of information.