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HELP to compile with LibRaw QT / MingW64 / Windows 8

I'm new with LibRaw. l know well Qt and C++
My configuration is : - Windows 8.2 - Qt version Qt5.14.1 : MingW64 bits : all work fine

I made a very simple project with Qt to open a raw file

--------------------- The pro file is : ---------------------------------------
# LIBRAW : for all headers/sources libraw.h ...
INCLUDEPATH += C:\LibRaw-0.19.5\LibRaw
# Path to librairies ( I use only libraw.dll that is in the bin folder )
LIBS += -LC:\LibRaw-0.19.5\bin
------------------------ My source code is ------------------------------
#include "libraw.h"

void Dialog::on_pushButton_clicked() {
LibRaw *processor = new LibRaw ;
processor->open_file("C:/Test.cr2") ;}

When compiling QT/MingW64 i get these ERROR MESSAGES after many warnings :

C:\Users\Lucien\Desktop\Dialog_raw\Raw\dialog.cpp:28: erreur : undefined reference to _imp__ZN6LibRawC1Ej'

C:\Users\Lucien\Desktop\Dialog_raw\Raw\dialog.cpp:29: erreur : undefined reference to `__imp__ZN6LibRaw9open_fileEPKcx'

Can you help me ? Thanks a lot,

