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Yes, I can read the code well

Yes, I can read the code well enough to understand the basics of what scale_colors does to the de-Bayered 4 colour image array. My problem is to understand the code well enough to perform a "correct" transform on the raw_image array. As an example, it really is not clear what the gory details of the six component cblack array processing are - IOW why you don't/can't just subtract the basic black level and what the algorithm being used is precisely and so on. I'm sure that Dave Coffin and you are real experts on image processing, and fully understand the code and algorithms without needing lots of comments to understand the code in detail - we mere mortals struggle to grok such dense and relatively uncommented code.

Without that information I can only apply a trivial subtraction of the basic black level value from all the raw_image values and then scale linearly from 0- 65535! Clearly I cannot do any white balance calculation on the raw image as that requires that the data is already converted to 4 component RGB (does that mean it is LRGB?), and that I have access to the camera white balance data (unless doing "auto wb").


David Partridge