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Both 2272 and 250 are too

Both 2272 and 250 are too high values for gradient variable b/c table size is only 41.

gradient is calculated by:

#define fuji_quant_gradient(i, v1, v2) (9 * i->q_table[i->q_point[4] + (v1)] + i->q_table[i->q_point[4] + (v2)])
(at line 402:   grad = fuji_quant_gradient(params, Rb - Rf, Rc - Rb); )

q_table contains values from -4 to +4, so maximum gradient value is 40.

Could you please try to dump q_table values? And, also, values used to calc gradient: Rb - Rf, Rc - Rb

-- Alex Tutubalin @LibRaw LLC