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dcraw_emu - Brightness Level

First, thanks for creating this version of DCRaw. I have been using the original DCRAW as part of a utility I have developed to make it easy to run the NIK Collection standalone. One of the added features is the ability to input RAW files. I needed a way to support Fuji X compressed files and this is probably the best and easiest way to do that. It also seems to be quicker than the original DCRaw.

I use DCRaw (and tried DCraw_emu) by starting it from my program passing command line parms. I was using a brightness setting (-b) of 1 for all my test files (from various cameras / manufacturers) and that seemed to work fine (using the original DCRaw). I used a Fuji X compressed file as input to DCRaw_emu and with the setting of -b 1 it came out very dark. I had to set it to -b 12 to get to an acceptable level of brightness. I tried a few other files and I had the same issue but not to the same extent. For a Canon CR2 file (also mentioned in another recent post) I found that I had to set it to -b 2.3 to get the right brightness. I tried that same setting with a Nikon .nef file and that one came out too dark. It was convenient to use a single standard setting for all types of files. Can this be changed in DCRaw_emu to work the same way as DCRaw?

The command line parms used were:

-v -H 0 -T -w -g 2.4 12.92 -q 2 -b 2.3 -4

Once again, thanks for developing and supporting this version of DCRaw. I hope to be able to change my program to use it very soon (hopefully after this issue is addressed).

